Delivery Info
Delivery is available to Christchurch and its wider surroundings only. Click and collect also available.
Same Day Delivery
Same day delivery to a residential address is available on weekdays for orders placed before 2pm, and on Saturdays for orders placed before 11am.
Same day delivery to a business address is available on weekdays for orders placed before 11am.
Same day delivery to areas outside of Christchurch, such as Rolleston, Prebbleton, Lincoln, Tai Tapu, Rangioira, Kaiapoi, and Ohoka, is available on weekdays and Saturday for orders placed before 11am.
Please note: all morning deliveries should be arranged the day before. Orders placed after the times listed above will be delivered the following delivery day.
Delivery Fees
The standard delivery fee is $15 to the Christchurch area.
Rural orders to areas outside of Christchurch, such as Rolleston, Prebbleton, Lincoln, Tai Tapu, Rangioira, Kaiapoi, and Ohoka incur a delivery fee of $20.
Delivery Days
Our standard delivery days are Monday to Friday, plus Saturday. We are closed and do not deliver on Sundays (except for Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day) and on Christchurch public holidays. We are also closed and do not deliver over the Christmas/New Year period (please check our closure notices on our website).
Sunday deliveries are available on Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day. Please include the delivery date in the delivery instructions, as a Sunday date will not be selectable on our calendar.
Deliveries to Business Addresses
For orders being delivered to a business address, please ensure the business address is included, along with the physical address.
Same day delivery to a business address is available on weekdays for orders placed before 11am.
Please note
If the recipient is not at home, our courier will attempt to leave the delivery in a safe location. A card will be placed in the mailbox to advise of the location and the delivery time.
If a second trip is required due to incorrect address information, a second delivery fee will be charged and delivery may be postponed to the following day.